C# 通知机制 IObserver<T> 和 IObservable<T>
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class Program    {        public static void Main()        {            // Define a provider and two observers.            LocationTracker provider = new LocationTracker();            LocationReporter reporter1 = new LocationReporter("FixedGPS");            reporter1.Subscribe(provider);            LocationReporter reporter2 = new LocationReporter("MobileGPS");            reporter2.Subscribe(provider);            provider.TrackLocation(new Location(47.6456, -122.1312));            reporter1.Unsubscribe();            provider.TrackLocation(new Location(47.6677, -122.1199));            provider.TrackLocation(null);            provider.EndTransmission();            Console.ReadLine();            // The example displays output similar to the following:            //      FixedGPS: The current location is 47.6456, -122.1312            //      MobileGPS: The current location is 47.6456, -122.1312            //      MobileGPS: The current location is 47.6677, -122.1199            //      MobileGPS: The location cannot be determined.            //      The Location Tracker has completed transmitting data to MobileGPS.        }    }    public struct Location    {        double lat, lon;        public Location(double latitude, double longitude)        {            this.lat = latitude;            this.lon = longitude;        }        public double Latitude        { get { return this.lat; } }        public double Longitude        { get { return this.lon; } }    }    public class LocationReporter : IObserver
{ private IDisposable unsubscriber; private string instName; public LocationReporter(string name) { this.instName = name; } public string Name { get { return this.instName; } } public virtual void Subscribe(IObservable
provider) { if (provider != null) unsubscriber = provider.Subscribe(this); } public virtual void OnCompleted() { Console.WriteLine("The Location Tracker has completed transmitting data to {0}.", this.Name); this.Unsubscribe(); } public virtual void OnError(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: The location cannot be determined.", this.Name); } public virtual void OnNext(Location value) { Console.WriteLine("{2}: The current location is {0}, {1}", value.Latitude, value.Longitude, this.Name); } public virtual void Unsubscribe() { unsubscriber.Dispose(); } } public class LocationTracker : IObservable
{ public LocationTracker() { observers = new List
>(); } private List
> observers; public IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver
observer) { if (!observers.Contains(observer)) observers.Add(observer); return new Unsubscriber(observers, observer); } private class Unsubscriber : IDisposable { private List
> _observers; private IObserver
_observer; public Unsubscriber(List
> observers, IObserver
observer) { this._observers = observers; this._observer = observer; } public void Dispose() { if (_observer != null && _observers.Contains(_observer)) _observers.Remove(_observer); } } public void TrackLocation(Nullable
loc) { foreach (var observer in observers) { if (!loc.HasValue) observer.OnError(new LocationUnknownException()); else observer.OnNext(loc.Value); } } public void EndTransmission() { foreach (var observer in observers.ToArray()) if (observers.Contains(observer)) observer.OnCompleted(); observers.Clear(); } } public class LocationUnknownException : Exception { internal LocationUnknownException() { } }


